Hand stripping is a method of dog grooming that involves removing dead hair from a dog’s coat to maintain its texture and density. It is a traditional technique that is commonly used for terrier breeds that have wiry coats.
The hand-stripping technique involves using your fingers or a stripping knife to pluck individual hairs from the dog’s coat. Apart from maintaining the thickness and texture of the coat, this process also helps stimulate the growth of new hair.
Table of Content
- The Benefits of Hand Stripping a Terrier
- Can All Terrier Breeds Be Hand Stripped?
- How Old Should My Terrier Be to Begin Hand Stripping?
- How Long Does it Take to Hand Strip a Terrier?
- How Often Should I Hand Strip My Terrier?
- Can I Hand Strip My Terrier Myself?
- What Tools Do I Need for Hand Stripping My Terrier?
- Precautions to Consider When Hand-Stripping a Terrier
- Conclusion
The Benefits of Hand Stripping a Terrier
Aside from maintaining aesthetic appearances, terrier coats are designed to protect them from the elements and regular hand stripping is necessary to keep their coat in top condition.
- Improved coat texture and density:
Hand stripping can help to improve the texture and density of a terrier’s coat, as it removes dead hair and encourages the growth of new, healthy hair. This can result in a fuller, thicker, and more vibrant coat that is better able to protect the dog from the elements. - Reduced shedding and tangling:
By removing dead hair, hand stripping can help to further reduce shedding and tangling, which can be especially beneficial for dogs with longer or curly coats. Keeping the environment clean for both you and your dog. - Health benefits for the dog:
Hand stripping can be beneficial for the overall health of the skin and coat, as it helps to remove dead hair, dirt, and other debris that can cause skin irritations and infections. Additionally, removing dead hair can also help to prevent the growth of mites and other parasites that can cause skin problems.
Can All Terrier Breeds Be Hand Stripped?
Generally speaking, most terrier breeds can be hand stripped. Except for breeds that have very short coats like the Staffordshire Terrier and Pit Bull Terrier, or breed such as the American Hairless Terrier that has almost no coat.
For a more complete list of existing terrier breeds and their origins, click here.
Hand stripping is typically recommended for terriers with a wire or harsh coat, such as the Border Terrier, Airedale Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, Wire Fox Terrier, Lakeland Terrier, Irish Terrier, Welsh Terrier, etc.

Especially in some cases, like that of the Wire Fox Terrier, Airedale Terrier, and Lakeland Terrier, having new hair growing from the follicles also means that the coat will retain its natural vibrant colours and wiry texture, which cannot be achieved if the hair is being trimmed using scissors or clippers.
But before you get all geared up and ready to go, it is recommended that you consult with a professional groomer or veterinarian first to determine the best grooming method for your dog’s breed and individual coat type.
How Old Should My Terrier Be to Begin Hand Stripping?
The general concept is as early as possible. This is so that your terrier can get accustomed to the hand-stripping process.

For a new puppy, you can start the hand stripping process as early as 5-6 months old when the coat is fully grown.
For older dogs, especially when they’ve always been clipped and have never been hand stripped before, it’s best to consult with a professional groomer or veterinarian before you proceed.
How Long Does it Take to Hand Strip a Terrier?
The length of time it takes to hand strip a dog can vary depending on the size and breed of your dog, the length and thickness of the coat, and the experience of the person doing the hand stripping.
On average, it can take anywhere from an hour to several hours (4-5 hours) to hand strip a terrier, depending on the factors mentioned above. And for a first-timer, it’ll naturally take longer and it’s perfectly normal. The important thing, in the beginning, is not about speed, but knowing what you’re doing.
When I first started hand stripping, it took me about 2 hours just to figure out the right way to pluck out the hair and get half of the back done. But once you get the hang of the stripping motion and understand the growth direction of each section, things will speed up quickly.

You can always (recommended) break up the process into sessions, concentrating on a single area for each session, such as the body coat, back neck and tail, shoulders, hindquarters, and top of head, cheeks, and throat, etc.
Not only will this make the job a lot more manageable, but it’ll also provide adequate rest for both you and your dog in between sessions. Know that it is essential to pace yourself and avoid fatigue and strain on your fingers, wrist, and arms.
How Often Should I Hand Strip My Terrier?
Typically, the hair growth cycle for terriers is about 4-6 weeks. Hence, you can plan your hand-stripping sessions accordingly. Alternatively, though not the most professional way, you can choose to strip out loose hair as and when you see it.
Personally, I’ll hand-strip Anu (my Wire Fox Terrier) a section at a time, and spread the process across a week. I’ll also make use of our chill time out on the balcony, where the sunlight would really pick up where I’ve missed and I’ll even out the coat then.
Can I Hand Strip My Terrier Myself?
Yes, you can most definitely hand-strip your dog on your own at home. Not only will it save you time and money, but it can also be a great bonding experience for you and your dog, allowing you to spend more quality time with your pet.
But note that hand stripping can be uncomfortable (sometimes painful) and stressful if done incorrectly, so make sure you employ proper technique and start slow until you get the hang of it.

It is also important for your dog to be in a comfortable and relaxed state before you begin the process. If your dog starts resisting the process, it’s better to stop and wait for a better time.
Proceeding further will only result in a traumatizing experience that your dog will associate with hand stripping, which is the last thing we want to happen.
What Tools Do I Need for Hand Stripping My Terrier?
The tools you’ll need for hand stripping can include a variety of things from stripping stones to different sizes of stripping knives, and a pair of sharp scissors or electric clippers. It’s quite easy for a beginner to get overly enthusiastic and starts buying every tool they see.

But to keep things simple, all you really need to get the job done is a specialized stripping knife(s) or stripping stone for the plucking, a slicker brush for untangling the hair prior to/during hand stripping, and a soft brush to smooth things out when done.
Alternatively, you may use your fingers instead of a stripping knife to pluck out the hair. Personally, I prefer to use my fingers as I have more control over the stripping process, though a stripping knife does a faster job.
Precautions to Consider When Hand-Stripping a Terrier
When hand stripping a terrier, it is important to know that age or health conditions may make the process more difficult or risky for your dog. For example, older dogs may have thinning coats or sensitive skin that requires more gentle handling.
Be aware that older dogs may also find it more difficult to stand for a long period of time. Hence, hand-stripping may not be recommended in situations like this.
Additionally, dogs with certain health conditions, such as skin allergies, may be more sensitive to the hand-stripping process and you may want to stick with clipping their coat instead.

You would also need to keep your tools well-maintained to avoid injury to the skin or coat. For example, if the stripping tool is not sharp enough or if too much hair is removed at once, the coat can become patchy or uneven.
To further ensure the safety and well-being of your dog when hand stripping, it is important to be patient, gentle, and well-prepared, and make sure the area you’re hand stripping in is well-lit.
If you’re in doubt, always consult with a professional groomer or veterinarian before starting the hand-stripping process to ensure that it is the best choice for your dog.
Hand stripping can be a rewarding experience for both you and your dog. Not only does it help to improve the condition of the coat, and promote overall skin and coat health for your dog, but it can also become an awesome bonding opportunity if done correctly.
A final word of encouragement, it’ll seem intimidating at first, and I’ve been there. But I assure you, it’s not that difficult. Start out slow and keep things simple, and with a little patience and practice, it can become a regular part of your dog grooming routine.
If you have any queries or confusion about hand stripping, feel free to let me know in your comments below.