When we got our first Wire Fox Terrier, Anu, we knew our love for him was going to change the way we look at dogs as more than just a companion.
Months of research were put in prior to deciding on this breed. there were so much information out there. We’ve heard that hand-stripping is better for the coat, and it was also said that barf diet is healthier. We were even told to never have more than two terriers in a household when we wanted a second Lakeland Terrier.
We’ve heard this and was told that, there was so much information… on and on!
So we decided to go through the processes ourselves, from basic training to grooming to food preparation. We even moved to a place by the ocean, with an abundance of mountain trails and parks, so our new pup gets plenty of fun and exercise when he arrives.
The learning curve was steep, but we grew to love the WFT breed. And along the way, fell in love with other terrier breeds such as Airedale, Westies, Welsh, for their tenacity, courage, and fun loving nature.
Through the content on this site, we look forward to sharing with you the things we’ve learned about terriers through our personal experiences and findings.
Dog Terriertory is dedicated to you, dog parents like us, who are willing to get their hands dirty at learning to care for their terriers, and giving them all the love they deserve.
Happy Fox Hunting!